Sinus Infection Prevention Program
Starting to feel more sinus pressure in the mornings, increased congestion, or a slight headache? Don’t delay until your sinuses are very painful and a major infection is in full bloom. Swing into action with our 10 point prevention program!
The Allergy Consumer Review: 10 Point Sinus Prevention Program
1. Start daily nasal irrigation with the Grossan pulsatile nasal irrigation system. Chances are high that you can head off that sinus infection.
2. Use a natural saline spray several times daily to keep the sinuses moist.
3. Don’t drink iced drinks (including drinks like iced tea and soda!)
4. Get plenty of rest.
5. Exercise outdoors to increase your circulation.
6. Let Papaya Enzymes dissolve in your mouth between your cheek and gum 4x daily to reduce swelling.
7. Make sure you are getting enough moisture in your bedroom at night. Use a humidifier if necessary to keep sinuses moist.
8. Take plenty of hot showers and inhale steam. Use hot compresses to relieve sinus swelling and help circulation.
9. If you are an allergy sufferer and it is allergy season give your sinuses a break. Close those windows at night the peak time for allergens is between 5 and 10 a.m.
10. Sleep in an allergen free bedroom if you suffer from allergies, and reduce the stress on your sinuses. Use hepa air filters, hepa vacuums and dust mite covers to help keep allergens under control.