Best Air Filter Buying Guide
Air Filters – Which to Buy and When?
In order to answer this question we need to have a better idea of the problem you are trying to solve. We get numerous all the time questions from people who ask for help in making a decision over which machine to purchase. Here is the summary of what I tell people, but if you need additional help please contact toll free directly at 1-888-236-7231.

Best quiet air filter, is the highest priority, there is nothing like Blueair air filters. Noise level in the bedroom seems to be very important to people. Blueair has an excellent number of air changes per hour and easy-to-change filters. They consume very little electricity, however the replacement filter cost makes the running costs more than some.
Best room coverage air filter, the Airpura air filter, has a superior number of air changes even on low fan speed. It is especially quiet even on medium while providing ample room coverage. It has the largest room coverage of any of our air purifiers providing up to 1575 square feet of cleaning. The Airpura combines excellent filtration while providing tremendous gas, chemical, and odor filtration with anywhere from 18 to 26 pounds of carbon. It is not the easiest of machines to change filters and requires a screwdriver and the removal of 4 screws to remove the bottom cover to access them. However, it is not difficult and requires a little muscle to turn it upside down and lift out the filter.
Best long lasting air filter, The Austin Air air purifiers are a cost-effective choice. If you do not have severe allergy problems and the warning lights for new filters is not of major importance to you then the Austin air will do you fine. This is a middle of the road HEPA filter without a lot of extra whistle and bells. After having used one for two years I can say it is quieter than most but it is not always clear to me when I should change the filter. Their HEPA filters last 3 to 5 years so I change it after 3 not 5 years, It is just irritating to think I might be changing it before it is necessary. Changing the filter is a bit of a production and the Austin manual is pretty awful (we have to beg Austin to send us manuals to give our customers). BUT I am not going to discard the Austin and when the HEPA filter needs to be changed I will take changing it on as a project. This filter is excellent value for money. Our best value model.

Best all around air filter, The QuietPure air purifiers are our best all around because they’re highly cost-effective but with a lot of great standard features. QuietPures have easy to change filter which can be easily changed when needed. The QuietPure’s HEPA filter incorporates both the pre-filter and filter all in one, which makes it a breeze to change. All QuietPures have easy to change filters, often just with the ease of removing one panel. The largest QuietPure air purifier the QuietPure Home has an easy-to-use display, which monitors the air quality and temperature in your home. The Home even has an incorporated app you can use on your smart phone.

Best overall air filter is the IQAir. For sheer technological superiority in a number of features, the IQAir is pretty awesome. It has filter light change indicators for 3 filters, the capacity to program the machine to turn itself on before you get home, and the ability to change filters easily without a screw driver. The electricity consumption costs and filter replacement costs are very moderate. I would recommend this air filter machine for use anywhere in the house and office. The more expensive model deals with gases and viruses and has been used in hospital clean room environment. The IQAir also comes with a superlative manual, which definitely wins the award for the best manual. I consider this to be our best overall air purifier.
Hope that clarifies things a bit as you make your final air purifier choices. We do have many others to choose from but these are my personal favorites.
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